Государственное учреждение образования
«Мышковичская средняя школа»
Проектирование педагогической деятельности учителя по реализации допрофильной подготовки и профильного обучения учащихся
Методическая разработка урока по теме «Healthylifestyle»
Каленик Анна Адамовна,
высшая квалификационная категория,
учитель английского языка
8 (44) 745-93-79;
e-mail: kalenik_anna@mail.ru
Пояснительная записка
Допрофильная подготовка – это первоначальный этап личностного и профессионального самоопределения учащихся. Для того чтобы для учащихся выбор профильного класса был действительно осознанным, необходима опережающая работа. Неотъемлемая составляющая допрофильной подготовки – организация и проведение факультативных занятий, которые предназначены для расширения общего кругозора учащихся, формирования их личностных качеств, развития творческого потенциала и направлены на удовлетворение запросов и интересов обучающихся. В нашей школе допрофильная подготовка начинается с 7 класса, что помогает учащимся в будущем осознанно выбирать собственную образовательную траекторию.
На II ступени общего среднего образования владение языком выступает основой коммуникативной компетентности учащихся. Грамматика создает прочную структурную базу, на основе которой формируется данная компетенция. Правильное грамматическое оформление речи во многом определяет успешность межкультурного общения. С этой целью я провожу факультативные занятия «Коммуникативная грамматика» в 9 классе для развития у учащихся способности эффективно употреблять грамматические явления в речевом общении. Преподавание иностранного языка в современной школе давно перешагнуло традиционные рамки. Не английский ради английского, а изучение иностранного языка как средства коммуникации, обмена информацией. Информационное поле учащихся сегодня необычайно широко. Многократно возросла потребность взаимодействия с этим полем. Как неизбежное следствие – возрастает роль иностранного языка как прикладной дисциплины в биологии, физике, литературе и т.д. Обучая иностранному языку, параллельно давать знания из других наук, всесторонне образовывать учащихся – поистине высокая миссия. Когда в поисках ответов на вопросы учащиеся получают новые знания, изучение иностранного языка становится настоящим удовольствием. Моя задача – соотнести изучаемую тему с индивидуальными особенностями учащихся, с задачами воспитания, образования и развития личности. Знания, полученные учащимися на факультативных занятиях, позволяют проводить уроки на повышенном уровне.
Итак, тема «Healthylifestyle», 9 класс. Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний, умений и навыков
Урок проводится в коммуникативном режиме. Учащиеся используют в своей речи степени сравнения наречий, сравнительные предложения themore … thebetter для обсуждения хороших и вредных привычек и принципов здорового питания, для выражения своего отношения к ним, модальные глаголы should/oughtto и must для рекомендаций по ведению здорового образа жизни. Ребята проводят социологический опрос и создают страницы для буклета «HealthyLivingGuide» , получают знания, которые могут быть применены в реальных жизненных ситуациях.
Тема урока: “Healthylifestyle ”. Здоровый образ жизни
Урок № 8 в теме
Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе изученных ЛЕ, речевых и грамматических структур по теме”Health”и умения применять эти знания в практической деятельности.
образовательная: организовать учебную деятельность и актуализацию знаний, в результате которой учащиеся будут знать: лексические единицы и грамматические структуры по теме, уметь: используя лексические единицы, понимать содержание текстов, описывать и сравнивать факты, cовершенствовать грамматические навыки говорения, сочетать описание с элементами рассуждения и выражением личной оценки; делать небольшие сообщения по теме (подготовка к представлению проекта) ;
развивающая: создать условия для развития у учащихся навыков аналитической обработки информации, умения проводить социологический опрос, анализировать, выражать согласие и несогласие, давать совет, отстаивать свою точку зрения; способности логическому изложению высказывания;
воспитательная: способствовать формированию активной жизненной позиции, ответственного отношения к своему здоровью, негативного отношения к вредным привычкам.
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний, умений и навыков
Оборудование:проектор, компьютер, презентация к уроку, раздаточный материал.
1. Preliminaries
Teacher: Good afternoon, pupils! I am glad to see you! How are you today? What is your mood today? Look at the screen and choose the face corresponding to your mood today. ( Slide 1)
(Loving, bored, happy, sad, excited, angry). Thank you. Now let’s get down to work.
I’d like to start the lesson with the proverbs. Look at the screen and complete the following proverbs… (Slides 2,3)
1. Health is…
2. Wealth is…………….
- You are what………..
- Early to bed and……..
- Eat to live…………… .
- An apple a day………. .
- The best wealth
- Health is above wealth.
- The first wealth is health.
- You are what you eat.
- Early to bed and you will be healthy, wealthy and wise.
- Eat to live but not live to eat.
- An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
- The best wealth is health
2. Announcing the aims of the lesson
All these proverbs concern one topic and that is the topic of our lesson today. What is it? Pupils: It is Health
I think “Health” is a very important topic today. I believe that “Every man is the builder of a temple called his body. Have a look at these pictures and guess: “WHAT ARE WE GOING TO SPEAK ABOUT?”(4 слайд)
P: I think we are going to speak about smoking…….., alcohol drinking……., taking drugs………., about regular meals……, healthy food and going in for sports.
T: That’s right. We are going to speak about good and bad habits.
3.Warming -up:
Teacher: What associations do you have when you hear “A healthy man?”
Pupil 1. I think of,,,,,,,, (sport, because it helps us to be healthy and strong).
Pupil 2. As for me, I think of,,,,,,,,, (nature, as we can breathe in fresh air).We can enjoy the beauty of,,,,,,,,.
Pupil 3. I think of,,,,,,,,,, (food, it is necessary to eat plain and healthy food).
Pupil 4 I think of positive emotions, smiles, good mood)
(dieting, vitamins)
4.Word power (Slide 5)
a)Have a look at this spidergram and add two more words to each category:
Drinks: orange juice, fizzy drinks
Vegetables: carrots, celery
Meat and poultry: beef, turkey
Dairy products: cheese, full fat milk
Desserts: apple pie, trifle
Fish and seafood: crab, cod
Fruit: bananas, pineapples
Other: pasta, white rice
b)Look at the pictures and answer:
What would be a healthy snack?
Fruit salad, salad or wholegrain cereal would be a healthy snack, as they are high in protein, carbohydrates and vitamins. The more healthy food we eat the better.
What would you avoid if you were on a diet?
If I were on diet, I would avoid eating chocolate cake and burgers because of all the fat.
I think wholegrain cereal, salad, fruit salad, fruit salad and orange juice would help me balance my diet with proteins, carbohydrates and some vitamins. The less unhealthy food we eat the stronger we are.
c) Use the pictures and the information in exercises 1 and 2 to make sentences about your eating habits.
1 I don’t really like… snacking on fatty snacks.
2 I never eat… meal without drinking a lot of water.
3 I can’t stand … diets that don’t allow to eat carbohydrates. They are not healthy.
4 I …take vitamins on a daily basis.
5 I only eat … fruit as a snack.
6 I rarely drink…
c)You see different parts of habits on the screen. Match the words from the 1-st and the 2-nd columns.(Slide6)
A. Physical a. low-fat food 1. влияние окружающей среды
B. Taking b. breakfast 2. есть низкокалорийную еду
C. Personal c. activity 3. регулярные приемы пищи
- Skipping d. alcohol 4. пить спиртные напитки
E. Regular e. drugs 5. принимать наркотики
F. Environmental f. diet 6. привычки здоровья
G.Health g. hygiene 7. физическая активность
H. Healthy h. meals 8. пропускать завтрак
I. Eating i. influence 9. здоровая диета
J. Drinking j. habits 10. личная гигиена
(physical activity, taking drugs, personal hygiene, skipping breakfast, regular meals, environmental influence, health habits, healthy diet, eating low-fat food, drinking alcohol)
Now let’s divide these habits into two categories (Slide 7)
One group will choose good habits and the other one – bad habits
Health Habits
Good habits Bad habits
Exercising Drinking too much alcohol
Good plain food Smoking
Taking a cold shower Snacking
Personal hygiene Taking drugs
A healthy diet Physical inactivity
Eating too many sweets
5. Reading (Slide 8)
Teacher: Now you see the text “Seven Deadly Health Sins “. Read the text, name modern health sins and get ready to answer my questions.
Ученики читают текст и выискивают современные грехи людей, которые влияют на здоровье человека.
“Seven Deadly Health Sins“
When the Bible set down the Seven Deadly Sins they were not meant to be taken literally. Few of us will die of pride (гордость), envy or anger. There are, however, modern health sins which are in fact far more deadly.
Two of them – obesity and physical inactivity are known from ancient times. They are joined by the modern bad habits: smoking and drinking too much alcohol, and the surprising ‘danger’ of sleeping too much or too little, eating between meals and skipping breakfast. In combination, these poor health habits could double the chance of dying or lead to different diseases (болезни) for those who survive.
Of course sleeping too much or too little, snacking and skipping breakfast are not quite as deadly as smoking, obesity and drinking. But they are indicative of dangerously chaotic lifestyles.
Regularity in life promotes your health. Sleeping seven or eight hours, getting up early, eating breakfast, a healthy diet and regular meals is really a good way to live.
Teacher: So what are the modern health sins?
Pupil 1: I think, one of the modern sins is ______.
Pupil 2: To my mind, one of the modern sins is _________.
Teacher: I would like you to pay your attention that health is not something that comes to you by accident. Our health depends on many things: T: What do you think: «What does our health depend on?»
P1: I think our health depends on food we eat.
P2: It depends on our good and bad habits.
P3: It depends on sport and our physical activity.
T: You are right.
7. Developing grammar speech skills (Slides 9-11)
Teacher: Now look through these bits of information about British people. These facts are taken from newspapers and magazines.
Popular ways to lose weight and avoid gaining it
Cut out snacks and desserts – 42%
Eat less of everything – 37%
Exercise more – 32%
Cut down on fat – 32%
Do not eat at night – 29 %
Eat more fruit and vegetables – 20%
Count calories – 19%
Eat less red meat – 19%
Use low-calorie foods – 12%
Follow a diet – 1%
Teacher: What is your attitude towards the following facts? Do they seem surprising to you?.
For example: It is surprising that British people eat more ______ now.
It surprises me that to (cut down snacks and deserts) is more popular than to follow a diet.
(to follow a diet is less popular than to use low-calorie foods)
Задание: Complete these healthy eating tips using much, many, little, a lot of.
Too ----- food makes you thin.
Too ----- food makes you fat
Too ----- sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth.
Eat ----- high fat food and ----- fibre.
----- fruit and vegetables keep you healthy.
Walking ----- makes you fit.
Sleeping too ----- or too ----- can make you nervous and restless.
Key: little, much, many, little, much, a lot of, much, much, little.
Correct the mistakes
1. Eat more sugar. (less)
2. Don’t eat vegetables.
3. Eat many fat. (little)
4. Eat the same things. (different)
5. Eat less fresh fruit. (more)
6. Eat a lot of salt. (little)
7. Eat a lot between meals. (don’t)
7. Music pause. Let’s relax a bit and enjoy an English song: “The healthy living song”(Slide12)
8. Improving and testing listening comprehension and speaking skills : (Slide 13)
Look at these two pictures and say which person takes their health more seriously.
Use the useful language…
Which of these lifestyles do you feel is more common today?
Listen to the interview and say what reasons each candidate gives to support their answers.
Use the key language:
(The man watching TV doesn’t seem to take his health seriously at all, as he is overweight due to bad eating habits and lack of exercise. The man who is jogging takes regular exercise and is aware of the importance of exercise for his health.)
How to remain healthy? What should we do to be fit and healthy?
Student 1: We should do morning exercises regularly. We should spend much time in the open air. We should attend our PE classes.
Student 2: Sport is important for our health.
Student 3: Sport makes us strong.
Student 4: Sport builds character.
Student 5: It teaches to win and to lose.
Student 6: At last sport teaches us to be disciplined.
9. Speaking (Slides 14- 15)
Some bad habits are really deadly. You’ll work in pairs. Which of the arguments will you use to convince your friends not to smoke, to drink alcohol or to take drugs?
Student 1: Smoking causes a cough, a headache and in the worst case cancer.
- It makes teeth yellow, hair smell, clothes smell, skin unhealthy.
Student 2: I think that drinking alcohol causes a headache, heart disease, slow reactions and loss of memory.
- It makes skin unhealthy, speech unclear and brain centers sleep.
- Drinking affects the whole family, the people around a drinking person, one’s social controls.
Student 3: To my mind taking drugs is a very bad habit. It causes blood disease, brain disease, slow reactions, loss of memory and death.
- Taking drugs makes speech unclear, brain centres sleep.
- Of course it affects the whole family, the people around and one’s social controls.
Student 4: I feel sorry for people who take drugs, because it’s really a bad habit.
Teacher: What measures should we take against bad habits?
Student 1: We should ban smoking at schools, in offices and on transport.
Student 2: Our authorities should ban cigarettes’ and alcohol’s ads on TV and radio.
Student 3: Our authorities should put into prison those who spread and sell drugs.
9. Sociological investigation (Slide 16)
According to the survey carried out in our class about good and bad habits I have learnt that not all pupils have good eating habits: they skip meals, eat too many sweets and between meals and like eating fast food. But these not very healthy habits outweigh more dangerous bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs. I have asked 14 pupils: five of them have tried smoking and drinking alcohol and I am very happy to tell you that nobody in our class has ever tried taking drugs. We have also have a problem with the Internet and mobile phones addiction. This diagram shows the distribution of good and
bad habits. We still have some problems with healthy lifestyle.
10. Planning. Work on the projects (Slides 17-19)
Teacher: and now let’s form two groups. Each group will create a page for our leaflet “Healthy Living Guide”
The 1st page will be “How to Look Great”( Which of the arguments will you use to convince your friends not to smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs and eat too much fast food?) Don’t forget to use the proverbs.
Student 1: Dear classmates! Never smoke, because smoking is bad for your health. It’s true that smoking affects the health of the whole family, the people around you. 3mln people die of smoking a year. Some young people think they look mature when holding a cigarette. 400 000 people die of smoking in Russia. Life is 25% shorter if you smoke. “The first wealth is health”.
Student 2: Dear friends! Never take drugs, it’s dangerous for you lives. The young look for some supernatural experiences; they hope to find a sense of life and pleasure and happiness in taking drugs and they don’t even notice how quickly they fall into addiction. Taking drugs makes speech unclear, brain centres sleep. Of course it affects the whole family, the people around and one’s social controls. You should remember that “ The best wealth is health”.
Student 3: Dear classmates!!! Don’t drink alcohol because it causes heart and brain diseases, slow reactions and leads to degradation. Drinking is very dangerous. What happens to the grown-up in 10 years will happen to the teenager in two. Within a short time he will become a hopeless alcoholic. It is known that an alcoholic life is shortened on the average by ten to twelve years. Alcohol causes heart disease and finally brain damage.
Student 4: Dear friends!!! Don’t eat too much fast food. It is usually high in fat, calories and cholesterol. The more fast food you eat the quicker you become overweight. It can never give the nutrients and vitamins of a healthy home-cooked meal. Fast food is usually made with cheaper ingredients such as fat meat, sugar and fats. It doesn’t provide any benefits to the body and the harm it causes to the health is numerous.” You are what you eat”. “Eat to live but not live to eat”.
The 2nd page will be “Sport in Our Life” (Which of the arguments will you use to convince your friends to keep fit?)
Student 1: To be healthy in your life,
Don’t forget to do all five,
Get up early, quick and bright,
Exercise with all your might.
In the morning jump and run,
Eat your breakfast you’ve done,
Train your body, train your brain,
And all bad habits pass away.” Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise”.
Student 2: Dear classmates!!! Sport is good for our health. But not everybody goes in for sport. If we don’t go in for sport it is useful to do some exercise. After a week’s sitting in front of a computer and at your desk your body needs a bit of exercise. Just 15 minutes of aerobics and 30 minutes of swimming work wonders. They are very refreshing. Instead of swimming and jogging you may go on a cycling tour. The more you exercise the fitter you are. “A sound mind is in a sound body”
Student 3: Dear classmates!!! The most important part of a healthy lifestyle is exercising regularly as it is a great way to keep fit and it relieves stress. Physical activity can reduce the risk of heart disease. You should take regular exercises, tone your muscles and remember the more time you spend in the open air the better. It is really important to remember about the importance of a well-balanced diet.
“Health is above wealth”.
SPORT – to gain strength, to develop muscles, to teach to win, to strengthen bones( heart), to make us strong and fast, to teach to be disciplined, to prevent diseases, to help people to be in good health, to develop character and quick thinking.
11. Project presentation
12. Conclusion:
Reflexion : Teacher: I am sure it is very important to be healthy. Health was valued greatly in all times and in all countries. People can buy different things but they can't buy their health.
Health is above wealth
Student 1:It means that health is the dearest thing for a person.
Student 2: I think that we can buy many things but we can't buy health.
How to be healthy: (Slide 20)
13. Homework.
Do the project: “I am for healthy lifestyle”.
Список использованных источников
Лапицкая Н. В. Английский язык 9 класс/ Н. В. Лапицкая, Н. В. Демченко .- Минск: Выш.шк., 2011
Журнал для изучающих английский язык. Speakout. М.:изд.”Глосса-Пресс”-2000.-№1. -C.10
Virginia Evans. FCE 1 Listening and Speaking Skills/ Virginia Evans, James Milton, Jenny Dooley. -Express Publishing- P.97
Virginia Evans. FCE 2 Listening and Speaking Skills/ Virginia Evans, James Milton, Jenny Dooley. -Express Publishing- P.49
Первое сентября. Fastfood.- 2004.-№31.- C.7 (из газеты)
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